Misaligned Teeth May be Causing More Problems Than You Know

Misaligned teeth do not just affect your smile, they can lead to chronic issues if not corrected. Your dentist can let you know if your teeth are misaligned through a thorough examination.
Key takeaways:

  • Having misaligned teeth can increase the risk of inflammation, gum disease and possibly gum recession.
  • It becomes very difficult to clean all areas with misaligned teeth, increasing the chances of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • When your bite is misaligned, you can have more trouble breaking your food down, which can cause gastrointestinal problems.“If you have misaligned teeth, keeping up with your regular dental appointments is going to be essential to preventing cavities and periodontal disease which could disrupt your smile.”

Read the full story here https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/misalignedteeth/