Dealing With Dental Emergencies
There are some dental emergencies that can be treated at home. However, you are still required to see the dentist for professional treatment.
Key takeaways:
- A severe toothache is a common dental emergency; talk to a dentist immediately.
- Excessive bleeding is usually caused by a deep wound, so seek professional help immediately.
- For foreign objects stuck in your teeth, try gently dislodging them by flossing. A dentist should otherwise remove it (but this is not an emergency).
- You may occasionally bite your tongue or lip. Gently cleanse the area with water then apply cold compresses.
- If your filling is broken, simply buy a temporary filling and take some pain relievers. Make an appointment with your dentist.
An over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen can help before you see the dentist. Ask your dentist for an after-hours phone number.
Read more here: https://consumer.healthday.com/encyclopedia/dental-health-11/misc-dental-problem-news-174/dental-emergencies-645351.html