Are Porcelain Teeth Better Than Acrylic Teeth?

Properly fitted dentures can be almost indistinguishable from natural teeth — but which material is the best choice? Porcelain and acrylic resin dentures are the most common materials used. The material you and your dentist opt for depends on several factors:

  • Longevity: Porcelain is stronger than acrylic resin and will last longer
  • Strength: Acrylic false teeth are less susceptible to cracks and chips than porcelain
  • Bone density: Acrylic dentures are better for patients with bone loss in the jaw

Both “acrylic and porcelain dentures require regular check-ups” to ensure a proper fit is maintained and there is no damage from wear and tear. Read more about the relative advantages of both types of dentures at https://www.livestrong.com/article/291153-porcelain-vs-acrylic-teeth/